Etnan Security, was tasked with providing security services for the industry event featuring the renowned musical act, Rufus Du Sol, at Flemington Racecourse. The scope of the project involved supplying security personnel for the backstage and artist areas to ensure a safe and secure environment during the event. This case study highlights the successful execution of the project and the positive feedback received from the Artist's Security Team regarding Etnan Security's professionalism and attentiveness.
Project Execution
On the day of the event, Etnan Security deployed a team of 60 highly trained and experienced security guards to different areas of the venue. The team was strategically positioned to handle various security-related tasks, including crowd control, bag checks, and ensuring the smooth flow of attendees while maintaining a high level of security.
The feedback received from the Artist's Security Team was particularly noteworthy. They commended Etnan Security's back of house security guards, recognising them as the most professional and attentive to their job that they had encountered in a long time. The guards' ability to handle security matters discreetly and efficiently while allowing artists to focus on their performances contributed significantly to the event's success.
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